A time travel to the future or past

Hi guys, today I am going to answer a question that a friend asked me. If you had the opportunity to travel in time, would you choose to go to the future or to the past? Personally, it is a question I don't like. My life experiences taught me to live in the present and not overthink about the future or the past, but here we go. If I have to choose one it would be travel to the future, because it is the one that offers the most interesting options. I would travel to the year 2200 or maybe 2300, I think it would be enough time to see incredible advances as well as regular space travels to other planets or maybe to other solar systems, or in the worst case I could see the havoc of the climate change. I don't want to limitate myself to travel to a specific place. I would like to travel around the world and maybe the space, but no matter what I will go to Chile. I think it could be very fun to see the state of this country in 200 or 300 years, maybe we became a first world country ...