
Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

Hi guys! After studying almost 4 semesters of Chemesty and Pharmacy, I can say it has been a beutyfull experience, full of many happy and fun moments, but also full of frustrating moments, moments that have really made me think that the study programme has serious problems. Today I will talk about changes I would do to solve those problems. In the first year we have 2 physics subjects, Mechanics and Electromagnetism, the first one has no real utility in our major(sayed by fifth year students) more than give some many knowledege to use in Electromagentism, and this last one only has an little utility in a course of fifth year, after(in the best of cases) 4 years of taking it, this is enough time to forget something that you don't use. Take those subjects feels like a waste of time and effort. I would delete those subjects, and incorporate the necessary knowledge of Electromagnetism for that course within the same course. In the third semester we have Organic Chemestry 1 and Laborato...

A time travel to the future or past

Hi guys, today I am going to answer a question that a friend asked me. If you had the opportunity to travel in time, would you choose to go to the future or to the past? Personally, it is a question I don't like. My life experiences taught me to live in the present and not overthink about the future or the past, but here we go. If I have to choose one it would be travel to the future, because it is the one that offers the most interesting options. I would travel to the year 2200 or maybe 2300, I think it would be enough time to see incredible advances as well as regular space travels to other planets or maybe to other solar systems, or in the worst case I could see the havoc of the climate change.  I don't want to limitate myself to travel to a specific place. I would like to travel around the world and maybe the space, but no matter what I will go to Chile. I think it could be very fun to see the state of this country in 200 or 300 years, maybe we became a first world country ...

My dream job

I think the bigger the dreams, the more fun it is to try to achieve them. My dream job is work a an farmaceutic chemist in a large and important pharmaceutical company, holding an important position. I would need all the knowledge and skills  that my career gives to me, such as knowledge of pharmacology, quality managment, pharmaceutical marketing, etc, as well as some that I will have to learn by taking diploma courses and other type of courses to educate myself, such as lidership and economics courses.  I also think that I (more than anyone) will have to keep up with the lastest discoveries and thechnologies. The salary is very important, is one of the main reasons why this is my dream job, I would like to earn enough money to have a quite life without needs, and maybe to take some great vacations and travel around the world. I am not thinking in take a major, because my dream job area has no major(at least in Chile), the principal way of learn new knowledge is by taking dip...

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The Best Concert ever

Hi guys! In today post I will talk about the best concert I attended, or that is I would like to say. I never attended a concert in my entire life. In today post I will explain why I never attended to a concert. I can resume all in 4 reasons: The tickets are usually very expensive, I don't have enough money to buy even one. The concerts are usually places crowded of people. This type of places give me headaches and I hate it. The concerts are usually makes in the night and very far from my home, that gives me two options, spend more than $10.000 in a taxi/uber or risk myself in take a bus that works all day and be mugged. I'm not interested enough in a band or singer to attend a concert, there is no one that makes me think "I really want to see this band/singer at leats one time in my life". Well, this is why I never attended to a concert, maybe in the future a band or a singer can make me want to attend one of their concerts, but for now that's all. See you in my...

Post 1: A country I would like to visit

Hi guys! This is my first post and I´m very nervous about it, but let´s start. For my first post I have decided to talk about of a country that I would like to visit. That country is Sweden. The reason? It has the most beautiful places that I ever seen. I know a lot about Sweden places, like cities, towns and natural parks. Also I know very well how is their culture right now, but I don´t know much about their traditions, that´s why I think that traveling around that country would be a good way to learn about it. If I travel to Sweden I would like to visit Stockholm, towns like Visby and Ystad, but primarity I would like to visit the national parks like Abisko and Sarek, go hiking, see the beautiful natural places that this country have and specialy, one of the most magical things in this world, the Northern Lights. Considering the quality of life and how beautifull it´s that country I would like to work and live there if I have the opportunity. Well, that´s all, I hope see you in my n...